关于我们-About Us

        Alan和Joan早期在美国信主。从那时起, 他们的生命就发生了根本的改变。Alan后来深受查尔斯·芬尼和孙大信的影响, 他们是近代基督教历史上最有影响力的两位宣教士。他们对基督的奉献和宣教的委身深深触动了Alan。

Alan and Joan were early believers in the United States. Since then, their lives have changed dramatically. Alan was later heavily influenced by Charles Finney and Sadhu Sundar Singh, two of the most influential missionaries in modern Christian history. Alan was deeply touched by their devotion to Christ and commitment to mission.

        Alan曾在梦中看到三个异象, 向华人、黑人和白人分享耶稣基督的福音。Alan之后辞去了摩托罗拉的工程师职位, 去慕迪圣经学院就读神学道学学位(MDiv)。 通常在我们这个年龄是退休和放松的时候, 但对我们来说并不是这样。我们要为福音而摆上我们的生命和时间, 退休并不在我们的人生筹划中。随着当前全球性移民浪潮, 散居华人对福音的需求很大, 但能向他们传福音的工人不多, 所以我们决定去需要的地方传福音。

Alan had three dreams about sharing the Gospel with a Chinese daughter and father, black youth, and Caucasian men. Alan then quit his engineering position at Motorola and went to Moody Bible Institute to pursue a degree in Divinity (MDiv). Usually at Alan and Joan's age, it is the time to retire and relax, but that's not the case for them. They decided to put their lives and time on the line for the Gospel, and retirement was not in their life plan. With the current global wave of migration, the diaspora has a great need for the Gospel, but not many workers can reach them, so Alan and Joan decided to go where it was needed.

        感谢神, 在我们加拿大宣道会总会(GMs)和华联会(CCACA)的支持下, 我们有机会成为部分资助的国际工人(IW 2023/03--2025/02)前往日本作福音的事工, 因为那里有很大的需要。 我们有两个可爱漂亮的女儿, 她们都全力支持我们这个决定, 并为我们感到自豪。请大家为我们的宣教事工代祷, 求神向我们彰显他所拣选的人, 赐予我们足够的恩典智慧, 建立新的关系, 和积极的对话, 把福音介绍给他们, 并且通过多种途径建造门徒。求主赐给我们信心和力量完成前面的事工。

Thank God that with the support of the Global Missions (GMs) of Canadian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) and the Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches Association (CCACA), Alan and Joan had the opportunity to become partially funded International Workers (IW 2023/03--2025/02) to Japan for the Gospel ministry because of the great need there. They have two lovely and beautiful daughters who are both fully supportive of Alan and Joan's decision and proud of them. Please pray for Alan and Joan, asking God to reveal His chosen people to them, to give them enough grace and wisdom, to build new relationships and positive dialogue, to introduce the gospel to them, and to make disciples in many ways. Pray that the Lord will give them the confidence and strength to complete the ministry ahead.

        耶稣对门徒说:父凭着自己的权柄所定的时候、日期, 不是你们可以知道的。 但圣灵降临在你们身上, 你们就必得着能力, 并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地, 和撒马利亚, 直到地极, 作我的见证。(使徒行传 1:7-8) 愿我们靠着圣灵的能力, 在日本这块福音的硬土地上作主见证。

Jesus said to his disciples, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:7-8) May they bear witness by the power of the Holy Spirit in the hard soil of Japan.